Help vir Jayden (9) wat tande verloor in hokkiewedstryd
Saterdag, 9 September het hy tydens sy 1ste wedstryd vir die dag, binne vyf minute in die spel in, ‘n massiewe hou met ‘n hokkiestok deur sy mond gekry.
The Pace foundation was established to assist people who were badly effected by trauma situations.
We aim to create online campaigns to generate money for issues you care about with the aid of the South African crowdfunding platform The Pace Foundation
Join us or make a small donation to assist with trauma situation fundraising.
Your donations makes a difference to assist people during trauma with financial crises.
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
– Nelson Mandela
Saterdag, 9 September het hy tydens sy 1ste wedstryd vir die dag, binne vyf minute in die spel in, ‘n massiewe hou met ‘n hokkiestok deur sy mond gekry.
Help our organization by booking a table at our Bingo evening!
All donations go directly to our chosen causes.
Lientjie Mentz – 22 Mei 2023 Artikel soos op: https://www.netwerk24.com/netwerk24/za/bloemnuus/tekkies-tref-die-teer-kort-voor-comrades-om-egpaar-se-droom-uit-te-bou-20230522 Net drie weke voor die Comrades-marathon het ‘n egpaar van Bloemfontein saam met ‘n paar
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Website by Speech Bubble Creative